Mowing adventures

Between hefting a pot and plants on two buses yesterday and pushing a mower through thick weeds today- I’m definitely getting my exercise.

Besides the usual moving pots and bags and benches to get at the grass and weeds, there was also a lot of hand pulling to do, because certain weeds get really woody with time and rain, and the mower just can’t do it.

I did a pretty good job in most of the beds, moving things around and just getting on with it. There was one major problem though.

This- is mint. Growing completely feral behind the sunny herb patch. This is mint of a species I have not planted in 4 years.

Oh man you just cannot kill this stuff! I’m both mad and in awe!

I can’t kill it- but it can kill my mower.

The culprit: a clump of mint root.

The victim:

Man down!

Luckily my push mower is pretty basic and cleaning the blades was fairly simple. So crisis averted- but I’m not making the mistake of mowing mint again.

(Mint. Goes. In. Pots!!!)

All in all it was a good afternoon’s work.

Look, the greenhouse bench is no longer on a thicket!

I still have more work to do today- I have to plant the chervil and mint (in. Pots.) but I’m taking a break right now- I’m really tired!

4 thoughts on “Mowing adventures

  1. So beautiful and lush! I love mint. Very oddly, I have been unable to grow it here. Possibly it gets too hot? It does come back in the spring, but it never spreads and goes hog wild like I am used to. I never thought I’d see the day when mint in the ground failed to thrive. (No doubt problems with the soil here also, which I failed to adequately correct, but, mint? Languishing? Huh!)

    1. Mint needs a fair amount of water- it’s no surprise this weedy one popped up after about a month of rain. Mint in the wild grew near bodies of water. It can do well in warm weather- but no matter if its in the ground or in a pot, it should be mulched and watered well. I like mint too- as long as it isn’t killing my mower!

      1. Yes, that is what I was thinking. It tends to get crispy without water, particularly if the air lacks humidity. Even though it grows in soil of inferior quality, it is much happier in rich soil. the reason I dislike it in pots is that it is so likely to get dry if it misses a watering. If possible, I prefer to put in in a planter that is surrounded by concrete, such as between the foundation and a walkway. It will not spread under the walkway, although it will need to be pulled out of the expansion joints. It can also escape if allowed to go to seed, which is something that rarely happens with potted plants that get cut back before going to seed.

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